New: Video Tutorial on Open Source Unicorn/FEniCS-HPC in MSO4SC with web source code editing
New MOOC-HPFEM free online course
Learn how to make cutting edge simulations! Engineering simulations are rapidly becoming fundamental in virtually all industrial
sectors, from medicine to energy, aerospace and beyond. The breakthrough general adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) and
open source FEniCS software you will learn in this course will position you to take lead to effectively solve the grand challenges
in science and engineering. The course will launch on October 17 at edX.
See more information on the provisional course home page.
New paper: Time-resolved Adaptive Direct FEM Simulation of High-lift Aircraft Configurations
Our chapter “Time-resolved Adaptive Direct FEM Simulation of High-lift Aircraft Configurations” has been accapted for publication in the Springer Brief “Numerical simulation of the aerodynamics of high-lift configurations” connected to the HiLiftPW-3 workshop.
New EU H2020 Marie Curie ITN project: ENABLE
We have received funding for participating in the ENABLE project for modeling advanced manufacturing of metallic alloys, where FEniCS-HPC will be the core technology.
New paper: IEA-OES Task 10
New FEniCS-HPC paper published in the EWTEC 2017 proceedings: International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems Task 10 Wave Energy Converter Modeling Verification and Validation
New project: IEA-OES Task 10
We are participating in the International Energy Agency – Ocean Energy Systems (IEA-OES) Task 10 on verification and validation of modeling of wave energy converters. Our effort is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.
HiLiftPW-3 presentation
FEniCS-HPC DFS leading-edge computations presented at 3rd AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop (HiLiftPW-3) allowing for the first time computational simulation of full time-dependent turbulent flow around a jumbo-jet in full landing configuration with quantitative and qualitative prediction of the stall phenomenon. See the slides for details.
New EU H2020 project: MSO4SC
We have received funding for developing open source cloud-HPC technology together with FEniCS-HPC in the EU H2020 project MSO4SC.